
Connectivity and Stickiness – The Social Currency Solution

We consult on a huge amount of web projects and increasingly they all have some sort of social Web 2.0 element. The interesting thing is that in all of them I find myself saying the same things: in any website that some sort of socialness goal they are two key factors which, without both, are essential to the success of the site: quality and social currency.

A key element in a website with social functionality is stickiness. To evaluate the stickiness of your social site answer these two questions: Why will a user stay on your website? and; Why will a user return to your site? In other words what is in it for your user?

One of the first things to think about is that there are a lot of websites in the world and for yours to not just grab users attention but to actually hold their attention needs something pretty special. You need a hook to keep your users returning again and again – and please don’t say keeping touch with friends – that’s what they are doing on Facebook and Bebo!

The answer I don’t hear enough of is “quality”. Whether that be the quality of the content, the travel planning software or even the ads being served. The quality of your sites functionality is a very important factor in retaining your visitors.

Let’s assume you do have a site that is easy to use and offers functionality that your users want, how do you grow it? By it’s nature social Web 2.0 functionality necessitates more than one person – it means people communicating with one another. It is the process of connecting your users to more users. For me achieving connectivity entails answering exactly the same questions as stickiness: why will one user tell others about your site? or; what is in it for your user?

In achieving both stickiness and connectivity I believe there is one solution – social currency! That is, the value a user perceives themselves to be for using or sharing your site. The more value a user feels they are earning by using your site the more they will return and the more value they feel they have the more likely they are to share your site with others. Moreover, if a user feels they are going to earn esteem, points, a true thank-you from others for sharing your site then the more likely they are to share your site. No one will risk recommending something that is not good – which comes back to the importance of quality of functionality.

Therefore in thinking about your new web project with that all important Web 2.0 social loop ask yourself “what is in it for your user?” Why will they use and why will they share? Make sure the first reason is because of the quality of the site; and finally devise some sort of rewards system as part of the user feedback loop of your site.




自訂Apache的日誌檔輪替(Custom Apache log rotation behaviour on CentOS / RHEL)

1. 若有設定虛擬主機的話,要先設定虛擬主機的日誌以及日誌內容的格式 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DNS網址 DocumentRoot 網站目錄路徑 LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" combined CustomLog access_log的路徑 combined </VirtualHost> ... ... ... 其中 LogFormat 與 CustomLog 的制定方式,在官方頁面有說明「 Log Files說明頁面 」 2. apache的日誌設定完之後,就可以開始設定apache的logrotate功能。在開始定義之前,先解釋甚麼是logrotate。 logrotate顧名思義就是log rotate,即日誌的輪換。Logrotate是Linux系統自身帶的一個日誌輪替執行檔,它的執行檔所在的目錄是/usr/sbin/logrotate,是專門對各種系統日誌(syslogd,mail)進行輪替的執行檔。 所以logrotate 的主要功能就是將舊的日誌檔案移動成舊日誌檔, 並且重新建立一個新的空的日誌檔案來記錄,它的執行結果有點類似底下的圖示:

巨型網站的分散式架構設計 (雲端運算的基礎)

網站初始: 架設網站入門其實很容易,很多網路上的免費資源運用一下,許多學生也可以自己建置網站,最基本的架構就是安裝一台Web server 及一台Database server,這樣的架構在流量不高的個人網站的確已足夠,但其實風險相當高,因為完全沒考慮到日後的擴充性(scalibility),也沒考慮到系統容錯及復原能力(High avability & Failover),因此只要流量一高,問題就接踵而至,但用這個架構可視為Close beta時期,多找一些親友來當免費測試員。 商業化架構: 在這時期代表已經籌到一筆資金,網站可以進行商業化架構設計,一般商業化考量下的標準架構,通常如下圖所示:


網路上有很多很多計算網站流量的分析工具....但是有時後自己想要知道如何分析,所以在網路上找到此指令可以計算網站的流量。 - - [04/Jul/2013:04:37:51 +0800] "GET /user.php?act=login HTTP/1.1" 200 10104 "-" "msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)" - - [04/Jul/2013:04:37:53 +0800] "GET /category.php?id=3 HTTP/1.1" 200 16041 "-" "msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)" - - [04/Jul/2013:04:37:56 +0800] "GET /category.php?id=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 11080 "-" "msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)" - - [04/Jul/2013:04:37:58 +0800] "GET /goods.php?id=351 HTTP/1.1" 200 19369 "-" "msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)" 以上是從access_log擷取一部分的內容 再透過以下指令,就能計算出網站流量 cat /網站日誌檔目錄/access_log | awk '{SUM+=$10}END{print SUM/1024/1024}' 得出的流量數據是 0.054MB,因為流量數據是byte單位所以要除2次1024byte(56594/1024/1024) 其中 awk 是一種處理資料且可產生報告的語言,功能相當強大:而處理的單位是一行一行的比對處理,當符合awk的條件...